A supermajority of all New York legislators is behind the Weprin/Montgomery Bill, with 101 co-sponsors in the New York Assembly as well as an historic 56-6 passage in the Senate.
It’s time. It’s past time. It’s a simple ask: equality for all adoptees. Let the people speak, because the people of New York are overwhelmingly in favor of A5494/S3419, which finally ends decades of discrimination.
Please share this post and post these images on social media and tag Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Let them know we have the votes to pass A5494. Demand that A5494 move to the Assembly floor for a full vote so that the people of New York, through their representatives, secures equality today for all New York adopted people.
Talking Points
As the New York legislative session counts down to its June 19 adjournment, these are the talking points to consider whenever you are in contact with legislators political leaders, or supporters.
- We Have Done Everything Possible. Everyone—advocates, adoptees, birthparents, adoptive parents, adoption professionals, family members, civil rights groups, legislators, the general public—has done everything they possibly can over the last 45 years to get this legislation passed. It is now up to Governor Cuomo and other key legislators to lead on this issue and to put equality over secrecy, fairness over deceit, and justice over politics.
- It Takes Leadership. It will take the political clout of Governor Cuomo to cut through the private interests of a tiny number of legislators who oppose the final enactment of A5494. Governor Cuomo listened to thousands of constituents in 2017 and vetoed a bill that was discriminatory. Those same voices, amplified now by hundreds of legislators and unequivocal bipartisan cooperation, are asking him once again to do the right thing. Make adoptees equal to all other New Yorkers.
I have been waiting for over 40 years for adoptee records to be unsealed. This is important for an adoptees history.
I am an adootee i just want the truth i want to know who i am my parents are deeased why the constant wait.
I’ve been fighting for adoptees’ civil rights to our sealed birth certificates for 45 years. This is not about the perceived protections for hiding mothers, this is about the truth of our births.
I am 71, and adopted. Please give me my original birth certificate. It is mine. It belongs to me. I am also a birth mother in favor of my daughter to have her original birth certificate.
NY Assembly… Time to make some history. I do a national radio talk show on family history called “Extreme Genes.” I hear from adoptees constantly who speak of their lifetimes of frustration of not knowing of their origins. For many, if not most, this “hole” is with them always. We are long past the days of children being born to unwed parents being a source of shame. I look forward to heralding a historic decision from the Assembly on my show. Please lead the way and get this bill to the floor for a vote! Scott Fisher
I too have been awaiting for a law to allow me access to my birth mother’s records. Having been born in 1945, this law will allow me to know who I really am. Nothing against my wonderful adoptive parents. Nothing against my birth mother’s privacy protection. I want to know my birth mother, and her family, so I can let them know how blessed I feel that she chose to give me life.
I am so looking forward to the passage of this bill! It’s about time NY joined the 21st Century and realize that civil rights have been violated for years. Bravo NY for not staying in the dark ages. Adoptees in your state have a right to their OWN information, their birth certificate. Looking forward to the passing of this bill! YEAH NEW YORK!!
I’m an adoptee born in Arizona in 1971, moved to England in 1977, searched for my birth mother and rejected in 2001, still desperate to know my origins. While I totally respect my birth mother’s wishes and I will not seek any relationship with her, I have realised that my original birth certificate is MY original birth certificate. Consequently I stand with all fellow adoptees who have and continue to work for unrestricted access to OBCs. I have done and will continue to do what little I can to help.
I’m routing for you New York!
as an adoptee, I would like to show my support. would hope this legislation would shed some light on my particular situation
Continuing to deny adult adoptees their rightful records only strengthens the stigma surrounding our births. This stigma is no longer acceptable in our society so we shouldn’t accept it for past births.
I wouldn’t know what to do if this bill passed!! It’s very frustrating not knowing any medical information about yourself or child!
If this does not get brought to the floor today for vote, given the OVERWHELMING sponsors and support it has, then both Carl E Heastie (Assembly District 83 who has sitting there since 2000) and Joseph R. Lentol (Assembly District 50 who has been sitting there doing nothing since 1972) need to be held accountable (OVERWHELMING) during the next election. The bill was sent to Codes on 4/30 and nothing to date has been done in this Assembly on it (other than our outstanding sponsor and co-sponsors).
It is SICKENING to see these 2 bureaucrats stonewall this and do nothing to at least allow this to go to vote; especially given the support so many have raised for this. PUNISH them in the only way they understand, full support whoever opposes them in the next election.
If this does not get brought to the floor today for vote, given the OVERWHELMING sponsors and support it has, then both Carl E Heastie (Assembly District 83 who has sitting there since 2000) and Joseph R. Lentol (Assembly District 50 who has been sitting there doing nothing since 1972) need to be held accountable (OVERWHELMING) during the next election. The bill was sent to Codes on 4/30 and nothing to date has been done in this Assembly on it (other than our outstanding sponsor and co-sponsors).
It is SICKENING to see these 2 bureaucrats stonewall this and do nothing to at least allow this to go to vote; especially given the support so many have raised for this. PUNISH them in the only way they understand, full support whoever opposes them in the next election.
Did the bill pass? Have been waiting and hoping, but I don’t see the results even though it is now June 20th and I guess, if it hasn’t passed it will be again postponed for another year. Pleas let us know, it is so important to our adult children in their 60’s. One has already died and he had no medical history to give his doctor. So sad. Please Governor Cuomo, have compassion on our adult children.
Yes! It passed.