NYARC Spokesperson Annette O’Connell, along with Tim Monti-Wohlpart of the American Adoption Congress, recently met with representatives of the New York State Department of Health to discuss the latest numbers and updates. The department released the following information.
Updated information on Pre-Adoption Certificate Orders
The Pre-adoption Certificate Unit at the NYS Bureau of Vital records has been working diligently to reduce the processing time. We are currently processing at approximately a 6-8 week time frame. We have continued to process applications in the order in which they were received. We appreciate your patience as the Bureau of Vital Records works to fulfill the remaining requests for Pre-Adoption Birth Certificates.
Pre-Adoption Certificate order statistics as of February 12, 2021:
- 11,373 Received
- 10,877 Processed
- 496 Remaining

In the News
Michael Fitzgerald’s recent Imprint News article highlights the impact of New York’s new law and features NYARC spokesperson Annette O’Connell as well as statistics from New York City.
Updated information on the Adoption Information Registry
The AIR continues to work closely with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, all New York State Courts, and the Majority of New York State Adoption Agencies. Although the NYS AIR is working diligently to process the significant volume of new applications, we are still experiencing delays in processing due to other offices and localities remaining closed or working with reduced staff.
Adoption Information Registry statistics as of February 17, 2021:
- Upon implementing the new legislation for Pre-Adoption Certificates on 1/15/20, the AIR has registered:
- 914 Adoptees
- 1,002 Birth Parents
- 82 Biological Siblings
- The AIR now has approximately 52,300 registrants
- The AIR has completed 81 additional matches since the implementation of the PAC legislation.