We’ll make this short.
A9959B, the bill NYARC supports, is stalled in the Assembly Codes Committee. At least two-thirds of the assembly members in that committee already support A9959B. Yet it is still sitting in committee. Why? Leadership.
Call and email New York Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie. He has the power to get A9959B moving and to get it to the full Assembly for a vote.
That’s it. One call. One email. One Tweet. Do it now.
Ask Speaker Heastie to advance A9959B in the Codes Committee so it can be approved and forwarded to the full Assembly for a vote. A sample short message is below.
Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie
Phone: (518) 455-3791
Fax: (518) 455-4812
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @CarlHeastie
Speaker Heastie:
Please assure that A9959B, an adoptee rights bill currently in the Codes Committee, advances to the full Assembly for a vote. A9959B will restore to all New York adoptees the unrestricted right to obtain their own original birth certificates upon request. It’s time to get this right. It’s time to make it equal. This is personal for me and I ask for your leadership on this important issue.
Speaker @CarlHeastie: Please advance A9959B, which is a direct result of @NYGovCuomo’s mandated workgroup on #AdopteeRights. It has broad constituent and national support. #GetItRight #MakeItEqual #ThisIsPersonal
Please support adopted people to have the human right of knowing their identity, get rid of the lie.
Thank you
Maggie Wilkinson
69 Gladstone Rd
Waihi 3610
New Zealand